Tuesday, March 28, 2006


When discussing "terrorism", there is a wide range of various interpretations being made. By definition, "terrorism is largely synonymous with "political violence" or the threat of violence, and refers to a strategy of using coordinated attacks that typically fall within the time, manner of conduct, and place commonly understood as unconventional warfare" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism). Also, terrorism can be defined as a word of abuse for your enemies that could be arbitrarily assigned. For example, the United States officially classified seven stages such as Iraq, Iran or Libya as sponsors of terrorism, the outrage act that other countries have never done like this. Some people may claim that terrorism is a massive attack on civilians, but some might believe that it is an attack only on the military. Although terrorism has been defined in law in some countries like the Great Britain, other countries find the concept of terrorism is too ambiguous to define who is a terrorist. Not only are the actions of terrorism being obscure, the motives of terrorists are also diverse - political, religious or ideological. Nevertheless, if we look at the word "terrorism", it should come from "terror" which has the meaning of "fear". Therefore, terrorism should be any kind of violence that generates fear among people in a country or around the world for any kind of purposes. The good examples would be the 9/11 in the United States which created fear of terrorists among countries or london bombing in the early of this year.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Democracy in Thailand

Thailand has dramatically changed its governing system since the year of 1932. The introdution of democratic system was brought about instead of the successive absolute monarchy which had governed for decades. The group of young intellectual people who were educated from western countries and under influence of democracy staged a demand of changing from absolute to constitutional monarchy to the King,Prajadhipok (Rama VII) on June,24 1932. Even though there is no readiness among citizens and also the country, the King, with foresight, granted the first constitution on December, 10 in the same year that ended the previous 700 years of absolute monarchy. Afterwards, a series of constitutions have developed and evolved, leading to Thailand's modern constitutional monarchy up until now.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Prompt for a cause-and-effect writing for A and C paper

Prompt for a cause-and-effect writing for “A paper”
- Give an excellent background before stating the problem
- State the clear and logical thesis statement
- Well organize for each paragraph – with obvious main idea
- Logical and coherent causes and effects
- Well support with strong evidence
- Good conclusion with some recommendations for the problem

Prompt for a cause-and-effect writing for “C paper”
- State a thesis statement
- Categorize to each paragraph with each idea
- Give some supports
- Conclude the problem

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Analyzing - A water problem

Water pollution

Basically, water contains more than 2 of 3 part of the earth's surface. Its composition has not only huge oceans like the Pacific, the Atlantic or the Indian ocean, but it also counts the freezing ice at the north and the south pole at the Arctic and the Antartica or various rivers among several countries. Therefore, water is undoubtly one of the most precious resources in our planet. However, human civilization has evolved and simultaneously generated a number of problems even the problem in water. The statistics from the Environment and Heritage Service(EHS) shows that the trend of water pollution have increased yearly since industrial revolution in Europe. Technically, water pollution can be categorized the sources as from commercial and household affair.

From the commercial sources, factories have been accused to be the main causal agent of water pollution. For years, various factories around the world have drained the contaminated water and waste water to the sea or river without any treatments and responsibilities. But shortly after stimulation from ISO(International Organization for Standardization) standard which the factories should follow because of the law or restriction depending on each country, water pollution from this source have considerably decreased. However, there are still other commercial affairs which constantly produce contamination to water such as chemical substances used in agriculture or even liquid used in car washer.

From the household affair, the percentage of polluted water production have been increased rapidly corresponding with the increased number of population. Without restriction in most countries, household cleaner, soap liquid, garden and lawn chemical substances can pollute directly to natural water sources. Especially in undeveloped and developing countries, mostly people have never realized about this problem. They may think that this problem should relate with only the commercial section.

In short, water pollution problem have changed the cause from commercial to civilian source. The optimistic aspect can be seen that the problem from the commercial side, once the major causal agent, have been successfully solved. However, household affair, once the minor cause, is now considered as the main attacker to water resource that, from now on, should have to be resolved.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Luigi, Tony, and The Family – Summary

The author emphasizes Italian-Americans to demonstrate the influential capability of media on this ethnic group since ethnicity had become a subject of popular interest especially in the mass media.

The author starts by illustrating the phases of stereotype that the media have towards the Italian-Americans. Firstly, the Italian, like other ethnic groups, has never appeared in the media as in the stage called “The invisible Man”. Later, in the stage of “The grateful Immigrant”, some Italian characters were shown on TV and radio exposing joyful manners. Next, in the stage of “The Mafia Gangster”, the Italian image has been considered as the archetypal gangster because of television series like “The Untouchables” or movies like “The Godfather”. Another is the stage of “The Jivy Proletarian” which media mostly presents the Italian working-class type.

However, even though there are various Italian stereotypes in the media, the Mafia image stands above the rest. The Italians are considered as gangsters for a long period after the first Italian mobster in “The Untouchables”. But after they have been achieved in various organizations, their stereotypical images have also alternated to be more attracting. Afterward, there is also a film named “Dominic and Eugene” that expresses Italian-Americans in more decent way without relation to any gangsters.

Not only does ethnicity pay important roles in movies and TV, it is also widely used in
advertisements. Italians are always categorized as single-minded creatures who like to eat and usually displayed in negative images in advertising that often mislead the public.

Regarding the media’s behavior, it always emphasizes the stereotypical notions or misconceptions rather than opposing them because people can be easily convinced by these over-generalized concepts. Because the media’s goal is to manipulate, so merchandisers try to encourage the prefabricated images of each other groups.