Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Abstract noun subjects + Avoiding gerund

Abstract noun subjects + Avoiding gerund
In the following sentences, use an abstract noun to replace the noun clause beginning with a question word (how, what, when, etc.)

1. The reason why we are given an assignment is to evaluate how much we understand the course material.
An assignment usually evaluates comprehension in course material.

2. This kind of assignment is used for assessing how we master the basic point of the course.
Comprehension in the basic point of the course is assessed by this kind of assignment.

3. Another 30% is the assignment is for testing how we comprehend the whole course material.
Understanding the whole course material is tested by another 30% of this assignment.

4. The municipal building code tells us how we must make public facilities more accessible to the elderly.
More accessibility in public facilities for the elderly is signalled by the municipal building code.

In the following sentences, rewrite the sentence to avoid the use of a gerund (-ing word) as a subject.

1. Sometimes, doing such kind of assignment can inspire the students to find their interests in their future research.
Student’s future research can be inspired by such kind of assignment.

2. Having a unique research thesis is difficult since research has been conducted on so many topics already.
It is difficult to find the unique research thesis because various researches' topics were already done.

3. The writing for this kind of assignment is composed of summary, analysis, conclusion, and recommendation.
Summary, analysis, conclusion and recommendation are consisted in this writing assignment.

4. The way people calling each other is different in Japan than in the U.S. It is more different in the way that people call each other in Japan than U.S.

5. Furthermore, the academic studying of politics includes the policy of a country and the importance of the key party in the country and the international policy.
Moreover, political education includes the policy of a country and the importance of the key party in the country and the international policy.

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