Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bowling for Columbine - Evaluation by PK

Bowling for Columbine

Michael Moore is the main actor of this documentary by his appearance and narrating. He starts the story by illustrating two gun-shot tragedy in the schools. One is in Colorado in Columbine high school, where two students shot to death 12 of their peers and a teacher. Another is in Michigan, where one boy shot his peer in an elementary school. Michael Moore tries to figure out why there are these problems in the United States by comparing the United States with other countries such as Canada, Germany, or England. In this documentary, he demonstrates that the number of the gun-related deaths in the United States is among the highest in the world. He also points out that Canada, which allow its people have guns like the United States, doesn't have the same problem, or Germany, whose history is no less aggressive than the United States, also have a very low crime rate. As a result of this documentary, not only deal exclusively with abstract issue, K-Mart ,which used to gain considerable profits from selling bullets, is persuaded to stop selling bulltes anymore after Michael Moore takes the wheelchair Columbine survivos into K-Mart world headquarters.

Michael Moore's documentaties are always thought-provoking. Bowling for Columbine is one of his best works since Fahrenhiet 9/11 in 2004 which won an award in Cannes Film Festival. In Bowling for Columbine, he addresses the real story of the massacre in the columbine high school, exposing interesting aspects that many people are not fully aware of such as survivors from that tragedy, a real film footage from the school's surveillance camera, or interviews from a local militia and rock star, Marilyn Manson whose music was once considered as a cause of the massacre.

In addition to mysterious aspects of the circumstance, his film is really consistent. As the audience, we can enjoy the whole story without interruption of unrelated events. He starts from the real circumstances of massacre to an awareness of gun-possession in the United States. He also instills his humorous views in this film that make it more interesting than other documentaries.

Similar to his other domumentaries, Bowling for Columbine sparks social changes and stimulates thought. It can be seen from the documentary that K-Mart decided to stop selling bullets and this documentary makes the audience's question why we can buy a gun easily or should the goverment consider changing gun law in the United States?

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